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Why's and What If's

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Danielle's questions are really getting tough now! All children eventually get to the "Whys" and parents are expected to answer these questions even when no answer seems possible. You also must balance between honesty and answers that are too detail for the child's understanding at this point in their lives. Children have a knack for coming up with interesting questions and for looking at things with a totally different viewpoint than parents are used to. They are often refreshingly honest too. For example, I was trying to explain to her how you really need to brush your teeth because the food gets in there and eats way at your teeth causing cavities. Then you need to go to the dentist to get them fixed and that can hurt. Danielle looks at me and askes "What happens if you don't eat?". Later Danielle asked me "What happens if you go to sleep and you don't wake up?".


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